Digital Foto: Månedens læserfoto!
The Danish Royal Hermitage Hunting Castle in Dyrehaven (The Deer Park) with the rising full moon of May 2018 in the background.
To get this image, I prepared for several days; visiting the area to get at sense of potential possibilities with the forthcoming full moon in mind; working out in the computer where exactly to place myself to get both the castle and the moon in the same shot within those very few minutes they would be behind each other; and then revisiting the deer park to test the calculated spot for potentials obstacles as well as testing the best distance to the castle.
Finally the big day came and everything worked out just perfectly!!!
The moon rose just where I had planed, between the left forrest and the castle, and moved up along and behind walls left of the castle and roof above!
On the fist of my series of shots – where the moon is still only half way above the horisont, a plane passed nicely by – but I didn’t even notice that until I got home 🙂
This shot is in my opinion the best in the serie, as the moon is high enough to be well clear in details but still “touching” the castle as well as the right forrest – so I chose to send it in to a contest in the magazine, Digital Foto, where it was nominated the Best Photo Of The Month! 😀